Destination Change You CEO and lead presenter Wayman Michael Farmer, is a licensed CDCA II (Chemical Dependency Counselor), QMHS (Qualified Mental Health Specialist), Licensed Provider Agent (Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities & DODD), Crisis Intervention & Conflict Resolution Specialist, COVID Trauma & Support Counselor, Community Activist, Youth & Adult Mentor, accomplished Motivational Speaker and Self-Published Author.  He is also CPR & First Aid certified.

He has been involved and working with youth, young adults and adults since May of 2000. He has a strong skill-set in facilitating "in-assembly", character building & life skill workshops, 1 on 1 counseling and success coaching. He has been actively working consistently and diligently for the past 18 years striving and seeking to not just make a living helping people change and improve their lives, but to make a difference in the quality of their lives.

He has successfully collaborated with and contracted with several area and regional businesses, including but not limited to: TPS, City of Toledo Parks & Recreation, YMCA, Big Brothers & Big Sisters, The Red Cross, Toledo Rotary Club, U.A.W., TLCPL, Chance for Change, Y.O.P., WTOL-Channel 11, Toledo Urban League, Braden United Methodist Church youth ministry, Summit Academy, United Way, NAMI, Y.A.P., Albert Earl Enterprises, Illuminations Unlimited, SETT and several local and regional churches.  In 2011, his organization in conjunction with the TLCPL-Mott Branch Library (Judy Jones), Meijer's, Pepsi, Toledo Police & TPD Gang Task Force and SETT hosted the 1st annual "HOPE FEST" at Smith Park in Toledo, Ohio.

During the Hope Fest he was able to give away over 2000 books and 200 dinners to children & families all throughout the Smith Park district/area in Toledo, Ohio. Over the past 21 years DCYOU has had the opportunity to facilitate "in-assembly" to well over 30,000 youth and their parents locally and regionally. Using socially relevant tools, such as motivational speaking, the spoken word, art, music, poetry and social reenactments as life lines to instill change.

Destination Change You has formulated a successful comprehensive diverse character building, life skill and transitional model that aids in the "restoring of & building of" healthy long-standing positive & productive relationships between youth, their respective guardians/parents and communities abroad.